back Lavender  34
Lemurian Essence No. 34
Recognize the
essence of dreaming

and bring it into the world.
I open up to the potential of
creative solutions.
I welcome surprises
and recognize the forces underlying.
My dreams brighten my way.
Occured on July 31st, 2015, the second full moon of the month, the so called "Blue Moon":

Created from the blossom essence of alfalfa (lucerne, medicago sativa) lavender and thistle,
the energy of an amethyst druse, rose quartz and rock crystal,
the energy of the life pictures "water" and "333" (against occupations) by Heinrich Kiefert,
the energy of the lavender light pillar of Avalon,
Karin's healing sounds, a special Lemurian creation energy,
the energy of the mantram
"Gauri Nandana Gajanana"
and essential oil of lavender.
When required, spray into the palms and hold your hands near the temples,
then one hand at the forehead and the other at the back of the head.
Subsequent fan into your aura at the brow chakra and the throat chakra
and also at the heart chakra and the navel. Then spray once high above your head.
    Stock bottle/concentrate for making aura spray:
To make aura spray, fill any glass bottle, preferably 20 to 100 ml violet glass (mironglass), with spray head (pump sprayer) with 25 % alcohol and 75 % good water and add 3 to 7 drops from your stock bottle, depending on bottle size.
Here a picture of the alfalfa: