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Lemurian Essence No. 30
Peace within me
is the beginning
of peace in the world
By consciously perceiving the peace in our hearts and radiating it into our surroundings,
we make our most important contribution to peace in the world.

Created from the blossom essence of a fragrant rose and elder,
the energy of tansanite, fire opal and rock crystal, rose oil,
the energy of the dark-red light pillar of Avalon,
the energy of the life picture "water" of Heinrich Kiefert,
the energy of the "100-syllable-mantra",
a special Lemurian creation energy and Karin's healing sounds.
oṃ vajrasattva samayam
vajrasattva tvenopatiṣṭha
dṛḍho me bhava
sutośyo me bhava
supośyo me bhava
anurakto me bhava
sarva siddhiṃ me prayaccha
sarva karma su ca me
cittaṃ śreyaḥ kuru hūṃ
ha ha ha ha hoḥ
bhagavan sarva tathāgatavajra
mā me muñca
vajrī bhava mahā samaya sattva
āḥ (hūṃ phaṭ)
Application bottle:
When required, hold in your outstretched arm and spray once onto your heart chacra
and once high over your head.
      Stock bottle/concentrate for making aura spray:
To make aura spray, fill any glass bottle, preferably 20 to 100 ml violet glass (mironglass), with spray head (pump sprayer) with 25 % alcohol and 75 % good water and add 3 to 7 drops from your stock bottle, depending on bottle size.