back Abalone / Paua   15
Lemurian Essence No. 15
Powerful radiance -
radiant power!
Helps to let love into your life and to give love.
Regeneration supporter.
Powerfull support for all kinds of exhaustion.
Occurred on the day of the March equinox 2012:
Created from the blossom essence of pulsatilla (pulsatilla vulgaris), violet (viola wittrockiana), begonia, primrose and a salmon-pink rose, the energy of paua /abalone (halliotis),
chalcedony, moldavite and a grandfather-grandmother crystal,
the energy of the 'life picture' 
'diabetes' by Heinrich Kiefert,
 the energy of the salmon-coloured light pillar of Avalon, a Lemurian fire energy
and the mantra "Saraswati Maha Lakshmi Durga Devi Namaha".
Application bottle:
When required, hold in your outstretched arm and spray onto your navel,
the heart chakra and high over your head.
Stock bottle/concentrate for making aura spray:
To make aura spray, fill any glass bottle, preferably 20 to 100 ml violet glass (mironglass), with spray head (pump sprayer) with 25 % alcohol and 75 % good water and add 3 to 7 drops from your stock bottle, depending on bottle size.