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Shiva Shambo Mantra

This Mantra is energetically included in
Lemurian Essence No. 25 "Shiva Shambo".

Jaya jaya shiva shambo   

Máha Déva Shambo   

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo  

Máha Déva Shambo   

Shiva represents the power of transformation and is pure consciousness.
Shiva is that which you are capable of becoming.
Shiva is often called Mahadeva, the Great God,
and also Shambo, the abode of joy.

Word-by-word translation:
jaya  victory
shambo (shambho) the abode of joy, one of Shiva's names
maha  greatest, best, most wonderful
deva  God, Goddess
maha deva  supreme God, supreme Goddess
